Read more about the article Put incidents into perspective
Don't Care by Deornelas4

Put incidents into perspective

Put relationship situations into perspective: “I feel like I will have trouble trusting again. However, I know that one person out of the millions that surround me every day caused this. There will be others worthy of my trust.”


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Read more about the article What is “indirect” peer pressure?
Garden group by Natascha M

What is “indirect” peer pressure?

Peer pressure might not always be obvious to you. It’s not uncommon for a group of friends to have particular habits or activities that they do together. But when you’re with a different group of friends, it might be unlikely that you do those same things.


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Read more about the article What is “direct” peer pressure?
Bully by Sergejs Babikovs

What is “direct” peer pressure?

Peer pressure can be as simple and direct as someone telling you what to do. It might be a good idea to talk to someone you trust if you feel threatened, or if you are being hurt or pressured into something you don’t want to do.


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Read more about the article Experience relief by expressing emotions
Waterfall rainbow image by Unsplash

Experience relief by expressing emotions

We can get caught up in our secondary emotions around pain such as anger or anxiety, while blocking our most primary and important feelings, such as hurt or sadness. Sometimes you can experience relief when allowing your most primary and painful emotions to express themselves.


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Read more about the article Focus on where you are now
Travel by Moyan Brenn

Focus on where you are now

Focus on where you are now. What have you overcome? What resources have you used to get past the pain? Rather than venting, sink deeper into your most primary feelings about the situation and allow yourself to really experience them.


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Read more about the article Where does peer pressure come from?
Friends! by Dawn Pennington

Where does peer pressure come from?

Peer pressure can be present at school or within a broader community. It can affect people of all ages and backgrounds. Peer pressure can affect you in a number of different ways: directly, indirectly or pressure from yourself.


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Read more about the article How does peer pressure affect me?
Friends! by Dawn Pennington

How does peer pressure affect me?

Peer pressure might influence you in a number of ways, including: fashion choices; alcohol and drug use; decision to have a boyfriend or girlfriend; choice of who your friends are; academic performance.


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Read more about the article Feel the sensations of your feelings
Yoga meditation on beach image by EvolvingScenes

Feel the sensations of your feelings

Learn how to greet your feelings as friends rather than as a nameless beast out to destroy your life. Learn how to allow the literal physical feeling of your emotions to burn itself out, by simply feeling the sensation instead of judging it or making it mean something.


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Read more about the article Feeling your feelings
Girl with teddy bear by Rebecca Osborne

Feeling your feelings

Sometimes the last thing we want to do is feel our feelings, because feeling can hurt. Many of us learned to stifle our sensitivity and emotion in a well-meaning but mistaken effort to protect those around us. Instead, it’s important we feel our feelings in a safe way.


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