Is self-harm a form of punishment?

Self-harm can be used as a form of self-punishment for something that the self-harmer has done, thinks they have done, are told by someone else that they have done, or…

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What is a definition of self-harm?

Self-harm is causing deliberate harm to your own body through physical abuse, for example cutting, burning, pulling hair, picking skin and deliberate bruising. Source: What is self-harm? @ Further…

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How can I help someone who self-harms?

The person who is self-harming may feel deep shame and guilt, or may feel confused and worried by their own behaviour. It's important to approach them with care and understanding.…

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What are the warning signs of self-harm?

Some signs indicating self-harming behaviour may include: unexplained cuts, bruises or burns; being fully covered up even when hot; depression, low mood or low self-esteem, and being secretive about eating.…

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Practise self-acceptance

Self-acceptance allows us to acknowledge all aspects of ourselves without clinging or judgement. Instead of fixating on the bad, it means loving all of who we are. It means having…

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Can judging others be harmful?

We judge others because it's a lot easier than looking at ourselves. Unfortunately, it's also completely unproductive and, in many cases, harmful. Judging others causes strife in relationships, and it…

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