Read more about the article Understand exam anxiety
Studying by Steven S.

Understand exam anxiety

If you feel anxious when preparing for an exam, take some time to think about what is causing the anxiety because, once you know what is causing it, you will be in a better position to tackle it.


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Read more about the article What causes exam anxiety?
exam by Karl Baron

What causes exam anxiety?

Exam anxiety could be linked to: being generally a bit of worrier, a tendency to be anxious; being poorly prepared; you had a bad experience in a previous exam; you are a perfectionist, and think anything less than top marks is a failure; you are not feeling well or you are on medication.


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Read more about the article How do I ease exam stress?
exam by Karl Baron

How do I ease exam stress?

If you are feeling tense in an exam, stop, put down your pen and relax. Breathe slowly and close your eyes for a few minutes. If it helps, put your head on the desk. Shake your arms. Say something positive and encouraging to yourself.


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Read more about the article Try gradual exposure
shy by mark O'Rourke

Try gradual exposure

We can be afraid of something because we haven’t been exposed to it very much. “Fear of the unknown” is a commonly-used phrase to describe what people feel to something that’s different. After confronting your false beliefs, you can start to slowly expose yourself to the fear.


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Read more about the article Challenge false beliefs
You should be allowed to change your opinions by chibird

Challenge false beliefs

When your fear arises, pause and reflect on your actual risk. Talk back to your negative thoughts or false beliefs and say for example, “I recognise that some dogs are vicious, but the vast majority of dogs are gentle. It is unlikely I will get bitten.”


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Read more about the article Put fears into perspective
Savannah is raising awareness about social anxiety by The home of Fixers on Flickr

Put fears into perspective

Do some research to understand your actual risk versus perceived risk. Recognise that the worse-case scenario is highly unlikely. Begin to re-structure your thoughts to not engage in catastrophic thinking, and start to challenge back to those thoughts.


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Read more about the article Identify false beliefs
do you believe in labels? by ashley rose

Identify false beliefs

Many fears are based in false beliefs or catastrophic thinking. When you see a snake, you may immediately have a belief that says it will harm you, and that you will die. Identify these patterns of thinking, and start to question them.


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Read more about the article You can become resilient
Helping a friend by Rebecca Osborne

You can become resilient

If you don’t have many external support factors in your life, you can still develop skills and attitudes and take actions that will help you become resilient against the stressors that you encounter. There are still things you can do to help yourself.


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Read more about the article Respond more consciously
Like thumb heart love affection image by geralt

Respond more consciously

When we get a clear look at our ways of thinking and feeling, rather than just following their leads unconsciously or semi-consciously, then we respond more consciously and choicefully rather than react on the basis of habit or situational circumstances.


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Read more about the article Ground yourself in the present
Mindful by dee & tula monstah

Ground yourself in the present

Because mindfulness is about grounding consciousness in the present, the mind is less likely to be captivated by self-generated mental accounts about the past and future, as well as the rumination, regret, anxiety, and other experiences that can dampen the experience of well-being.


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