Gain an appreciation of work

If you haven’t yet had a real job, prepare yourself for knowing what it will be like by doing some proper work now – paid, voluntary, or something with responsibility.


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Being employed by someone

Jobs are often 9-5, 5 days a week, and someone else is expecting you to do proper work for them which they are paying you their money for. They will value you more if you make an exceptional job of it.


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Make work rewarding

Expect to work hard in your job. You are being paid to achieve an output, and the better quality it is, the more you are worth. Giving it your all makes it more rewarding.


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Working during term time

During term time 13-16 year olds may work a maximum of 12 hours per week: a maximum of two hours on school days and Sundays, and a maximum of five hours on Saturdays for 13 to 14 year olds, or eight hours for 15 to 16 year olds.


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Applying for lots of jobs

When job-hunting, you can apply for many different jobs at other companies at the same time. Sitting and waiting for the result of one application before starting another will reduce the opportunities available to you and greatly extend the time of your unemployment.


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