Our launch day is on Sept 2nd 2011, 9-5 at The Forum in Norwich!
We’ll be talking about what we’re aiming to achieve, and raising awareness of how we can help.
Young people will also be able to sign up for the pilot project, receiving free informational text messages for one month. For the one month pilot all text messages will be sent to everyone who signs up – after the pilot we aim to split by age groups and signpost to support groups relevant to the message.
Additionally, this website will be updated with the same messages along with further information and links to where you can read more and get help if you need it.
We are aiming to get as much feedback as we can from the pilot before we roll it out regionally and then nationally. We want to know the subjects and the questions you want help with, and we want teachers’ and parents’ input too.
Please come along and support us!