The complete list of all life-guiding messages for young people – click the titles for further information
Travel Trip Map Direction Exploration Planning Concept by
If you are at school or work during the week, you may find Sunday a difficult day, as it is long and unstructured. Set a reminder for every Saturday morning to plan what you will do on Sunday. Get library books; plan a walking route; organise a visit.
Lonely by Lilong Dolrani
The greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation. Things you think are separate and different are actually one and the same. We are all one people, but we live as if divided.
studying by English106
If you are asked to answer essay-style questions in an exam, spend some time jotting down ideas and a brief plan to help you to use your writing time effectively. This is something to practice as a revision technique.
Solution image by LTDSupport
Using step-by-step problem solving doesn’t always lead to perfect solutions, but it increases your likelihood of resolving the problem – partially or completely. It might also help you feel more in control of the situation.
Solution! by Katie Inglis
For most problems it is possible to find partial or complete solutions. Look for the best solutions and put them into practice. It’s important to not act on impulse, no matter how mad or upset you are: you might do something you regret later.
exam by Karl Baron
Make sure you read exam questions carefully. Be aware of how many questions you have to answer, how many marks are allocated to each, and answer enough to get the marks. Attempt to answer all questions if you can to increase the marks you could be given.
exam by Karl Baron
Look through the exam questions, assess how much time you can spend on them, and allow a few minutes at the end of the exam to read through your paper to check your answers. Make sure you haven’t missed any questions on the back of the exam paper.
Solution! by Katie Inglis
It is a good idea to ask yourself: What is the best thing I can do to resolve this problem? If there’s an obvious sensible solution, do it. If there isn’t, take some time to sit down and brainstorm some possible options.
Solution image by LTDSupport
Working through a problem one step at a time can make you aware of lots of possible solutions, increasing your likelihood of getting what you want and helping you to feel more in control. It can be helpful to get ideas from others, like family and friends.
exam by Karl Baron
Make sure you read exam instructions very carefully before you begin to make sure you understand them, know what is expected of you, and see how much the answers are worth.