• Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:Personal safety

Three teenagers died last week swimming in unsafe places, such as weirs, quarries and strong rivers. Safer places include the beach, lidos and swimming pools.

David Walker, head of leisure safety at RoSPA, said: “Among the hazards to consider at inland waters are that, even on a hot day, water might be a lot colder than you were expecting and there may be strong currents and underwater debris that you can’t see from the bank.

“Consider how you are going to get out of the water before you get in, and be honest about your ability to look after yourself.”

Source: Third teenage boy drowns during heatwave as experts warn of dangers of bathing in rivers and quarries @ Daily Mail

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  • Warm weather water safety advice from RoSPA @ Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents

    Excerpt: RoSPA’s advice particularly covers inland waters, such as rivers, lakes, lochs, quarries and reservoirs, which are the most common locations for accidental drownings throughout the year. Figures from the National Water Safety Forum show that in 2010, 420 people died from accidents or natural causes in water across the UK, and, of these, more than half (217) died as a result of incidents in inland waters.


Message supplied by: Rich @ Respect Yourself