Smoke alarms save lives

You are more than twice as likely to die in a fire at home if you haven’t got a working smoke alarm. Buying a smoke alarm could help save your home and the lives of you and your family.


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What are smoke alarms?

Smoke alarms are self-contained devices that incorporate a means of detecting a fire (smoke detector) and giving a warning (alarm). They are about the size of a hand and are normally fitted to the ceiling. They can detect fires in their early stages and give you those precious minutes to enable you and your family to leave your house in safety.


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House fires kill 500 people a year

In the UK each year there are around 50,000 (140 a day) house fires, which kill nearly 500 and injure over 11,000 – many which could have been prevented if people had an early warning and were able to get out in time.


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