Crucial tips for your happiness
by Dr Pam Spurr
Psychologist and children’s author Dr Pam Spurr shares crucial tips for your happiness with Respect Yourself!
Her new book Eva the Bear and the Magic Snowflake is available now.
by Dr Pam Spurr
Psychologist and children’s author Dr Pam Spurr shares crucial tips for your happiness with Respect Yourself!
Her new book Eva the Bear and the Magic Snowflake is available now.
by Andrew Lord
Evidence has shown that sexual abuse is pervasive and widespread, and as a legal representative for many survivors my own caseload leads me to believe that we should assume sexual abuse takes place in every corner of our society. I write this blog as Respect Yourself has established a campaign for survivors of abuse, launching a new social media page @ry_ineedhelp, and am pleased that there will be more resources and support available for the many, many survivors out there.
by Taz Burwaiss
Respect Yourself has asked me to write about the topic of knowing yourself, and how this relates to your career. I’m really pleased they’ve asked me to write on this topic, as it’s a hugely important topic in the world of business and marketing.
by Joe Postings
My name is Joe. I am a 32 year old man. I decided to do a written piece for Respect Yourself because I was on their website checking out what they do and I was hooked by their aim…”helping young people develop skills, capacities and capabilities to participate in society”. Why does that mean so much to me?
If you are at school or work during the week, you may find Sunday a difficult day, as it is long and unstructured. Set a reminder for every Saturday morning to plan what you will do on Sunday. Get library books; plan a walking route; organise a visit.
by the Jumo Health Team
As a teenager, the pressure to perform well in school, manage extracurriculars, and build up an attractive college or university resume can be immense.
The greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation. Things you think are separate and different are actually one and the same. We are all one people, but we live as if divided.
If you are asked to answer essay-style questions in an exam, spend some time jotting down ideas and a brief plan to help you to use your writing time effectively. This is something to practice as a revision technique.
Using step-by-step problem solving doesn’t always lead to perfect solutions, but it increases your likelihood of resolving the problem – partially or completely. It might also help you feel more in control of the situation.
For most problems it is possible to find partial or complete solutions. Look for the best solutions and put them into practice. It’s important to not act on impulse, no matter how mad or upset you are: you might do something you regret later.