Charging a smartphone beneath a pillow is hazardous
Sleeping with your smartphone covered and charging underneath your pillow could be hazardous, creating a fire risk.
If your clothes catch fire, STOP still, DROP to the floor, and ROLL like a log to extinguish the fire quickly and efficiently.
Overheated oil in pans, deep fat fryers or dirty ovens and grill pans, along with unattended cooking are the main causes of cooking fires.
Whilst preparing a meal it is important that you never leave any cooking or kitchen appliances unattended. It only takes a few seconds for an unattended pan or cooker to ignite and develop into a serious and life threatening fire.
Pancake Day is a great day to test your smoke alarms on. Smoke alarms should be fitted on every floor of your home and the batteries regularly tested.
15 children died in accidental fires last year, among a total 7,256 injuries and 187 deaths from dwelling fires across the country. Test your smoke alarm when you change your clocks today.
If the building you are in is on fire, get out as soon as possible. Don’t hide inside and never go back in for anything. Raise the alarm and call for help straightaway on 999.
A quarter of smoke alarms in the UK don’t work because they’ve had their battery taken out. Working smoke alarms save lives.
Smoke alarms: always check the battery regularly (test it once a week), replacing it when necessary (at least once a year), always have spare batteries for it, and never remove the batteries for other purposes.
Plan an escape from your home in advance and talk about it with your family. If a fire occurs you may have to get out in the dark and difficult conditions. Escaping will be a lot easier if everyone knows where to go. Make sure your routes remain free of any obstructions and that there are no loose floor coverings that could trip you.