Plan an escape from your home in advance and talk about it with your family. If a fire occurs you may have to get out in the dark and difficult conditions. Escaping will be a lot easier if everyone knows where to go. Make sure your routes remain free of any obstructions and that there are no loose floor coverings that could trip you.
Source: Fire Service
Choosing an escape route
- the best escape route is often the normal way in and out of your home
- think of any difficulties you may have getting out, eg at night you may need to have a torch to light your way
- choose a second escape route, in case the first one is blocked
- keep all exits clear of obstructions, like bicycles
- if there are children, older or disabled people or pets, plan how you will get them out
Source: Direct.Gov
Read more
- Planning a safe escape @ Direct.Gov
Excerpt: Explain the plan. Once you have made your plan, go through it with everyone in the household. You could also: put a reminder of what to do in a fire somewhere where it will be seen regularly, like on the fridge door; put your address by the phone so that children can read it out to the emergency services.
- Fire Escape Plans @ Fire Service
Excerpt: Every household should have some sort of escape plan in place just in case the worst was to happen. Hopefully you will never have to use it, but it is important to prepare for it so there is no delay when it is put into action. If you are concerned about how you would escape from your home in case of fire, don’t worry, help is at hand. No matter how old you are, or what type of house you live in, the Fire and Rescue Service will help you devise an escape plan, free of charge.
Photo: FIRE!! by Thomas's Pics under Creative Commons license