Short messages on Bullying/abuse from Respect Yourself, the guidance site for young people to help make good decisions in life.
Pro Juventute - Stopp Cyber-Mobbing Kampagne © Pro Juventute_05 by Pro Juventute
If you are suffering from bullying and are uncomfortable asking for help, you can try asking a friend to come with you when you approach an adult. You might also want to write a note or an e-mail to a teacher or school counsellor about the issue.
Anger ! by Craig Sunter
If someone flips between being ‘very nice’ and ‘very nasty’, you can feel like you need to do things to keep them happy. This can be a sign they are trying to control you.
Drinking wine in a nightclub image by Designatic
If someone gives you gifts like ‘phone credit, alcohol, drugs or jewellery, this can make you feel good about them, but if they want sex in return they are trying to exploit you.
those are strong words for such a weak person by S Packwood
If your talk is negative, stop. If your talk is hurtful to another, stop. Change the topic. Gossiping only brings negativity into your life.
Girl looking up dreamily image by AdinaVoicu
If you have been gossiped about, keep your head up and stay focused only on the things that truly matter. People will soon forget what they heard as there will always be a new topic of discussion.
Teenage girls gossipping image by Baruska
Tell people who gossip to you that you’re not interested in what they have to say to you about others if it’s negative.
those are strong words for such a weak person by S Packwood
If someone is quick to tell you things about other people, they will be just as quick to talk about you to others. The same people that gossip to you, will gossip about you.
how painful it is by Sophia Louise
If someone really cares about you they won’t put any pressure on you to have sex. If you don’t feel you can say no, ask yourself if you are really in a safe situation?
Listen to your Mother - LA by Lisa Sjolund
If you feel nervous about doing something, try to find a way out of the situation and seek help from someone you trust.
Police car image by exeterdaily0
If you are under 18 and your ex boyfriend or girlfriend sends a naked picture of you on to somebody else, they are breaking the law. If images are being used against you, you can fill out a report form on the CEOP website.