You are currently viewing How to prevent eczema symptoms during the summer
  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post category:Physical health

If you have eczema, in the summer: moisturise daily, control your climate, dress to be cool, rinse off when needed, manage your allergies.

Source: Summer Prevention for Eczema Symptoms @ Everyday Health

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  • Eczema and Summer @ CoSozo

    Excerpt: Prior to bedtime, a lukewarm bath followed by use of a moisturizer to the affected area, medication to involved areas as prescribed, and an antihistamine will help assure a restful night. By understanding the basic components of eczema and using the techniques described in this article, it is possible to enjoy your summer relatively free of the symptoms from this disease.

Image by Photoswalter (Own work) [CC-BY-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons