Read more about the article Resolve issues instead of ignoring them
Best Friends by Deornelas4

Resolve issues instead of ignoring them

Next time a negative situation or issue arises and you’re tempted to brush it under the rug, stop. Don’t brush it under the rug where it’s still there, just hidden. Resolve it, brush it into the trash and then take the trash out.


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Read more about the article Don’t bottle your emotions up
pain by jan jernmark

Don’t bottle your emotions up

Suppressing your feelings regularly will only result in an emotional overload. Bottle them up for too long and they explode. Avoiding conflict and brushing things under the rug does not mean they’ll go away, it means they’ll come back later, but with firepower behind them.


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Read more about the article Resolve issues as they happen
Jealousy by Luke Saagi

Resolve issues as they happen

Deal with situations as they arise instead of logging them all in a black book that you pull out later to use as evidence against someone. If there’s an argument, fight or issue, resolve issues as they happen instead of letting a debt build up.


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