Announcements, blog and guest blogs for Respect Yourself, the guidance site for young people to help make good decisions in life. Click the title for the full article.

Read more about the article How I am Getting through Depression at Medical School
057/365 by Amy Messere

How I am Getting through Depression at Medical School

by Medical Student thedepressedmedicalstudent.

When I was approached by Respect Yourself to make a blog post, two feelings floated through my mind. The first was gratitude at being asked to contribute to a charity with such a worthwhile cause. The second was confusion at what I should write. What, I thought, would be a good topic to try to help as many people as possible?


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Read more about the article Step by step we’re breaking the bonds of mental health stigma
Girls talking image by Pezibear

Step by step we’re breaking the bonds of mental health stigma

by Inpatient Care Project Manager, Nic Higham.

While mental health issues are gaining more awareness than ever, and the knowledge they affect many of us is gradually becoming commonplace, there are still some pervasive stigmas that make it hard for young people to ask for help. If they think they may be experiencing something to do with mental health, they may be scared to say anything for fear of bullying or abuse from peers.


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Read more about the article Top Ten Tips by Teenagers With Experience
Group of friends image by AdinaVoicu

Top Ten Tips by Teenagers With Experience

by TeenagersWithExperience

We asked ten of our fabulous members what their top tip is when it comes to being happy. Here is what they said.


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Read more about the article Self-Esteem: Learning to Love Ourselves
Happy by Jeroen Werkman

Self-Esteem: Learning to Love Ourselves

by Ella @ TeenagersWithExperience

As teenagers living in a world filled with technology, you could say that we have a ludicrous standard of beauty that we feel we need to live up to. With the ability to look up anything anywhere at any time on our ‘phones, we are subliminally told how we should look and act by photos of models and celebrities who, of course, are stunning, but is it really healthy to be comparing ourselves to people who are ‘pretty’ for a living?


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Read more about the article Understand and Start to Manage Your Anxiety Today!
panic anxiety 036 by Alessandra

Understand and Start to Manage Your Anxiety Today!

by self-help expert Dr Pam Spurr.

Anxiety can strike anyone, even people who look ‘sorted’. The recent revelations from Zayn Malik about his crippling anxiety shows it can strike any age group too.

With so much change happening around us, anxiety seems to be on the increase.


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Read more about the article Don’t Let Shyness Hold You Back
shy by mark O'Rourke

Don’t Let Shyness Hold You Back

by self-help expert Dr Pam Spurr.

I’ve got a really big problem with our society that gives the message we should all be extroverts. That there’s something wrong if you’re not the life-and-soul of the party. Simply not true!

We’re all made differently and I hate how some feel the pressure to be something they’re not.

That said, I’ve seen the devastating consequences of shyness. Where a shy person feels they can’t talk to someone they’re attracted to. Or make new friends, or put themselves forward for a project at school or work.


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Read more about the article 10 Tips to Stop Repeating Your Mistakes
Solution image by LTDSupport

10 Tips to Stop Repeating Your Mistakes

by Personal Development coach Carmen Jacob.

There are those moments in life when you discover with stupefaction that you are going in circles, doing over and over again the same mistake: “Ah, no, not again! I was sure this time it will work.”

In this article you will find out 10 tips to stop making, again and again, the same mistake; but first, let’s talk about some of the reasons for doing it.


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Read more about the article Agoraphobia: My experience
My Bedroom/Office by Jordan Green

Agoraphobia: My experience

by Raúl Pérez.

June, 28th of 2013. That is the date when I last wrote for Respect Yourself, I talked about agoraphobia, not as an expert but as a mere sufferer, I was just a 17 years old boy who got the chance of sharing some words about what I had to deal with everyday. And here I am now, a 20 years old man who’s turning 21 this August.


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