Announcements, blog and guest blogs for Respect Yourself, the guidance site for young people to help make good decisions in life. Click the title for the full article.

Read more about the article Spring Clean Your Emotional Health!
Girls dresses on the washing line image by jill111

Spring Clean Your Emotional Health!

by self-help expert Dr Pam Spurr.

Spring’s the perfect time to kickstart a new emotional outlook. The sunshine helps us feel we can start afresh.

Check out these tips.


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Read more about the article Where can I get further help?
Help key on computer keyboard image by geralt

Where can I get further help?

If you need some direct help for a particular long-term issue, or advice for yourself or family and friends, there are many charities and organisations who can help. Here’s a list of some of them.


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Read more about the article The IICSA : The Force Awakens
Star Wars image by tookapic

The IICSA : The Force Awakens

by survivor Bob Balfour.

For those of you with a fondness for Star Wars, I hope you’ve enjoyed ‘The Force Awakens’ – or are looking forward to enjoying it. For those of you who are not so keen, I hope you’ll bear with me as I use ‘Star Wars’ references to explore some reflections on The Independent Inquiry into Childhood Sexual Abuse (IICSA) as a male, who is also a survivor activist.


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Read more about the article Happiness comes from what we think and do
Wonder... by Vern

Happiness comes from what we think and do

by author Rachel Kelly.

January is the time of year when many of us, old and young, pause to reflect on the year that’s passed and make plans for the year ahead. Some of us write resolutions, others a list of goals – all with the intention of becoming that little bit happier.


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Read more about the article How well do you really understand anxiety?
Savannah is raising awareness about social anxiety by The home of Fixers on Flickr

How well do you really understand anxiety?

by blogger Julia Whiting.

With a new year ahead it can seem daunting for a young person thinking about all the different things coming up in the school/college year. Exams and the pressure of project/coursework completion can lead to anxiety and apprehension as can the social structure of a young person’s life in being accepted and keeping up with the impacts of social media.


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Read more about the article Get Some New Year Positivity In Your Life
Excited! You Bet! by Steven Mileham

Get Some New Year Positivity In Your Life

by self-help expert Dr Pam Spurr.

There’s nothing like New Year to rock a new attitude. I don’t believe in classic resolutions though because people make massive promises they just can’t keep.

Instead below are small steps to put into action to make 2016 the best year for you. This begins with self-care. That’s the buzzword in the self-help world so get started in 2016 taking care of you.


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Read more about the article How to Set Your Boundaries when Dating
Couple love image by AdinaVoicu

How to Set Your Boundaries when Dating

by self-help expert Dr Pam Spurr.

We all have different expectations of what ‘dating’ or a ‘date’ is. For some it’s going out with your friends and theirs as a group. Hanging out and letting things develop in the safety of your group.


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Read more about the article How to Set Your Boundaries with Friendships
friendship by bekassine...

How to Set Your Boundaries with Friendships

by self-help expert Dr Pam Spurr.

In an ideal world friends are always there for each other, kind and caring. But in the real world most of us get a taste of when friends have bad moods. Or you fall out. Or you get envious because your friend suddenly wants to hang out with other people too.


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