Be ready to believe
You can release your stories whenever you decide you’re tired of believing them. Are you ready to believe and do things differently?
You can release your stories whenever you decide you’re tired of believing them. Are you ready to believe and do things differently?
It doesn’t take immense bravery, strength, or vision to change the trajectory of your life. It takes one tiny step in a new direction, backed by belief not in the destination, but in the journey and yourself.
When you see yourself as the hero of your own story, you radically transform how you perceive and treat yourself, how you view and meet challenges, and what you believe you deserve and can achieve in life.
Whether you’re looking to transform your professional life or your personal life, no matter how old you are or what you’ve experienced, you can be proactive, empowered, and committed to growth and forward momentum – not a passive audience member watching life go by.
If you eliminate “always” and “never” from your vocabulary, you will feel less limited and more confident in your potential.
“I’m not good enough”, “My parents really screwed me up”, “Things never work out for me”, “I’m too messed up”, “I always make the wrong decisions”, “I don’t deserve success or happiness because…”: these are all stories we tell ourselves.
When you change your stories – your beliefs about yourself, your past, and your present – you set the wheels in motion to change your life. Regardless of your unique life experiences, you can change your stories.
The stories you tell yourself about yourself may seem like facts, but they are actually beliefs based on interpretations of facts. That means that these stories don’t have to have power over you.
We all tell ourselves stories about ourselves and our lives that keep us feeling unfulfilled, unhappy, and powerless to change. And though we may sometimes feel alone with our struggles and fears, they’re the same for many of us.
We often find it easier to never question why we’re doing what we’re doing, and whether it’s actually serving our needs, desires, hopes, and dreams. It’s easier to continue with things as they are than it is to imagine how they could be.