Before you speak…
Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?
Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?
The three basics of good body language are the smile, eye contact, and the handshake. Smile at someone from the heart when you meet them. Look them in the eye when you speak to them, or when they speak to you. Combine with a good, firm handshake. Keep your body relaxed and posture confident.
When someone is talking to you, be fully engaged and present with them. Block off all judgement, and stop yourself thinking of what you’re going to say. If you’re able to, also listen to the tone of voice, pace of speech, and shift in energy to understand their emotions.
Have options ready if a negotiation fails. Show them you’re looking for a win-win outcome by satisfying their basic interests too. It’s sometimes better to agree to less than you both wanted collectively to enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship in the long run.
To negotiate effectively, be assertive. Have options. Seek a win-win outcome. Recognise that if someone wants to negotiate, you both have something the other needs. Be assertive in asking for what you want.
Ask questions that could lead to interesting answers. Keep your questions open-ended, which cannot be answered with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Let your questions come from a place of genuine curiosity. Consider how others can benefit from the answers.
To be a better communicator, don’t try to be the person with all the right answers – be the one who asks all the right questions. When you ask great questions, you show that you’re eager to engage and open to exploring more into the topic.