Read more about the article Ensure you have useful contact numbers
Text message using mobile 'phone image by DariuszSankowski

Ensure you have useful contact numbers

Having the contact numbers of people like your friend’s doctor could be important if you need to help your friend through a crisis, or if your friend is saying or doing things that worry you about his or her safety.


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Read more about the article Respect your friend’s limits
Best Friends by Deornelas4

Respect your friend’s limits

There might be times when your friend says that he or she isn’t able to hang out because of their illness. It’s important that you respect this and don’t put extra pressure on your friend.


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Read more about the article Work things out with your friend
Best Friends by Deornelas4

Work things out with your friend

Whatever the cause of issues between your friend and your partner may be, when the dynamics of a close friendship change, it can be hard on everyone involved. If your friendship is strong and you’re willing to communicate and address the issue, then your friend and you will find a way to work things out.


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Read more about the article My friend is concerned about my partner
Two Enemies by Deornelas4

My friend is concerned about my partner

If your best friend expresses concern about your boyfriend/girlfriend, investigate. Take a step back to examine if you’re doing things you wouldn’t normally do which could harm you, and to see if your partner is being honest with you. Your friend may be wrong; try to give them the benefit of the doubt.


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Read more about the article My friend doesn’t like my partner
Don't Care by Deornelas4

My friend doesn’t like my partner

If your best friend doesn’t like your boyfriend/girlfriend, approach them separately at a calm time when you can give them your full attention. They may feel hurt that you’ve been spending less time together, or protective towards you. Work together to find a balance.


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Read more about the article Take action against loneliness
think by withbeautiful

Take action against loneliness

Loneliness can make you feel: unloved and unwanted, socially inadequate, convinced that there is something wrong with you, self-conscious and ill-at-ease with others, and angry and critical of others. Remember you can take action against loneliness, and help others who are feeling the same.


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Read more about the article What makes people feel lonely?
inthewindow by anitapeppers

What makes people feel lonely?

You can feel lonely when: you are alone and have no choice about the matter; you do not feel part of a group or event; there is no-one you feel you can share your feelings and experiences with; you feel disconnected and alienated from your surroundings.


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Read more about the article Moving out means changes
187/365 - Cooking Buddy! by Courtney Carmody

Moving out means changes

Moving out and leaving home means a lot of changes: in lifestyle, work patterns and degree of independence. Having a support network of friends, family, colleagues (at work) or Student Services (at University) can help you deal with the changes without becoming overwhelmed or feeling isolated.


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