The complete list of all life-guiding messages for young people – click the titles for further information

Read more about the article Bring yourself happiness
Key by Paul Schadler

Bring yourself happiness

It is your responsibility to bring yourself excitement, joy, and happiness. Depending on someone else to bring you these things is like putting the key to your happiness in their pocket.


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Read more about the article Grudges waste your energy
Anger ! by Craig Sunter

Grudges waste your energy

Grudge-holders don’t always understand how much strain on themselves holding a grudge causes. It takes a significant amount of mental and emotional energy to keep the steady stream of hostility and aggression (or passive-aggression) that supports a grudge.


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Read more about the article Grudges are often misunderstandings
The Argument by Firesam!

Grudges are often misunderstandings

Many grudges are simply misunderstandings that people didn’t talk through. One person assumes something about the other person and labels it as fact in their own mind. Then they hold onto it, and pass judgement based on it, and then feel resentment.


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Read more about the article Learn to forgive
Prayer image by terimakasih0

Learn to forgive

Accept the reality of the things that have happened, but do not let them cloud and poison your heart. If you are to be a positive influence on the world, you need to forgive.


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Read more about the article Keep moving
Light tunnel image by 422737

Keep moving

Sometimes, life is like a dark tunnel. You can’t always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving, you will come to a better place.


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Read more about the article Take part in a nature survey
Front light - Wings front and rear by Traveller_40

Take part in a nature survey

Taking part in a nature survey might involve counting birds, animals or insects in a particular time and place, or reporting individual sightings of wildlife. Annual surveys include the Big Garden Birdwatch and the Big Butterfly Count.


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Read more about the article Try pet-sitting or dog walking
Dog - man's best friend image by jarmoluk

Try pet-sitting or dog walking

If you don’t have a dog and would like to spend time with one, you can offer to be a pet sitter in your local neighbourhood, volunteer to walk dogs for an animal shelter, or ask to borrow a friend’s dog for occasional evening or weekend walks.


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Read more about the article Revenge never makes it even
Revenge! by Ricardo Saramago

Revenge never makes it even

“The problem with revenge is that it never evens the score. It ties both the injured and the injurer to an escalator of pain. Both are stuck on the escalator as long as parity is demanded, and the escalator never stops.” – Lewis B. Smedes


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Read more about the article Avoid making decisions out of fear
Stop! by thematthewknot

Avoid making decisions out of fear

Change can be frightening, and it’s important to avoid making decisions that are based in fear. Try to address your fears about the changes coming your way, rather than avoiding them.


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