Short messages on Bereavement from Respect Yourself, the guidance site for young people to help make good decisions in life.
Listen to your Mother - LA by Lisa Sjolund
If you’re facing a serious illness, allow yourself to grieve for what has been lost (your independence, certain abilities, your long-term future, etc.), and don’t discount the coping releases of a hearty laugh and a shoulder to cry on.
Walking Between Trees by Stanley Zimny
If your pet has died, try not to obsess over “When am I going to get over this?”. Instead, focus on small steps in your adjustment process: put away the leash; be able to pass the park without getting upset; and, eventually, feel the urge to get a new one.
Prayer image by terimakasih0
If you accept the present moment, you can let go of resistance. If you let yourself cry it out, you can let go of sadness. These things can help you find more peace.
Landscape reflection in water image by strikers
If you empathise with someone who hurt you, you can let go of bitterness. If you understand someone who annoys you, you can let go of judgment. If you have compassion for yourself, you can let go of self-recrimination.
Pro Juventute - Stopp Cyber-Mobbing Kampagne © Pro Juventute_05 by Pro Juventute
Sadly, death happens, and life still goes on. With your family and friends, support each other to give you all the strength and energy to get through these circumstances.
inthewindow by anitapeppers
When a loved one dies, it’s important to remember you could not have changed the circumstances surrounding the loss. You could not have prevented it in any way.
Dog - man's best friend image by jarmoluk
Surviving pets can experience loss when a pet dies, or may become distressed by your sorrow. Maintaining their daily routines, or increasing exercise and play times, will benefit them and may help to elevate your outlook too.
Dog - man's best friend image by jarmoluk
Preparing a memorial, planting a tree in memory of your pet, or compiling a photo album or scrapbook, can create a legacy to celebrate the life of your pet.
Cute dog image by Josch13
A funeral can help you and your family members openly express your feelings for a lost pet. Ignore people who think it’s inappropriate to hold a funeral for a pet, and do what feels right for you.
Cute dog image by Josch13
When you’re grieving, don’t let anyone tell you how to feel. Your grief is your own, and no-one else can tell you when it’s time to “move on” or “get over it.” Let yourself feel whatever you feel without embarrassment or judgment.