Short messages on Sexual health and Safety issues from Respect Yourself, the guidance site for young people to help make good decisions in life.

Read more about the article Porn does not represent healthy sex
Upset girl at computer image by Concord90

Porn does not represent healthy sex

Porn is not a realistic depiction of healthy sex, where both partners respect and care for each other. It is common for porn to be male-centred and it often includes verbal or physical violence toward women.


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Read more about the article Drunken sexual consent is not consent
Drunk hangover image by jarmoluk

Drunken sexual consent is not consent

Drunken sexual consent is not consent, and the absence of a Yes is effectively a No. If you feel too awkward having sex with someone, think about if it’s a good idea to proceed with the sex.


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Read more about the article Take some responsibility in your relationships
Couple romance on bike image by karenwarfel

Take some responsibility in your relationships

As your feelings for one another deepen over time, the relationship should progress to reflect that. When partners place at least some responsibility for the success of the relationship on themselves, they ultimately will get more from each other.


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Read more about the article Use the same set of relationship rules
Playful couple image by juanerasmus85

Use the same set of relationship rules

If you’re wanting love from a partner, think about whether or not you want to hold off physical intimacy until you really get to know them. If you become intimate too soon you may be thinking ‘Oh, now we’re a couple,’ while they may be thinking ‘Oh boy that sure was fun.’


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Read more about the article Signs that mean you should stop sexual advances
Stop! by thematthewknot

Signs that mean you should stop sexual advances

The signs in your partner that mean you should stop sexual advances include: slurred speech, shaking, resistance, confusion, silence, stillness, being frozen or frightened, sleeping, flinching, passing out, crying, no eye contact, incoherent talking or a tense or rigid body.


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Read more about the article Sex is non-consensual if…
Violence against women, we can stop it! by European Parliament

Sex is non-consensual if…

Sexual consent is not given if it is assumed, forced, pressured, unwanted, violent, if they are too drunk or too high to give consent, if they are asleep, or your partner doesn’t understand what is happening.


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Read more about the article Consent is needed for all types of sexual activity
Violence against women, we can stop it! by European Parliament

Consent is needed for all types of sexual activity

Consent to sexual activity may be given to one sort of sexual activity but not another, e.g. to vaginal but not anal sex, or penetration with conditions such as wearing a condom. Consent is needed each time activity occurs, and can be withdrawn at any time during sexual activity.


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