Short messages on UK Crime from Respect Yourself, the guidance site for young people to help make good decisions in life.
Stop! by thematthewknot
With sex, always stop if you hear your partner say: No, I don’t know, I’m not sure, Not now, Get off, Don’t do that, I feel worried, Stop. They are not giving you consent to continue.
Violence against women, we can stop it! by European Parliament
Sexual consent is not given if it is assumed, forced, pressured, unwanted, violent, if they are too drunk or too high to give consent, if they are asleep, or your partner doesn’t understand what is happening.
Police car image by exeterdaily0
Sex without consent is illegal. It is rape or sexual assault, which would result in a criminal conviction as a sex offender.
IMG_1693 copia by DAVID BURILLO
Cover up your webcam camera with a piece of black masking tape or unplug it when you’re not actively using it. Some malware can enable the camera whilst disabling the ‘active’ light.
Girls talking image by Pezibear
Be yourself – whoever you are, however you feel, whatever life has thrown at you. If things are tough, talk about it. Samaritans can be reached on 08457 90 90 90 or .
Pro Juventute Aufklärungskampagne ‚Sexting’ Themenbild_10 by Pro Juventute
If you are below the age of 18 or are speaking with somebody that is, sending, requesting or distributing a naked photo is actually classified as child pornography and is a criminal offence.
Help key on computer keyboard image by geralt
Cyberbullying is just as serious as offline bullying and it can be incredibly traumatic. If you are feeling low, it is important that you tell an adult that you trust – this could be a parent/guardian, a teacher, the school counsellor or your doctor. Help is available, you just need to ask for it.
No Bullying!
If you are being cyberbullied by someone you know from school or college, take the documented evidence to a trusted teacher and tell them about what is happening.
Upset girl at computer image by Concord90
If you are being cyberbullied, document evidence (screenshots and chatlogs) of what is going on and then block the users from your social networking profiles.
Police car image by exeterdaily0
Bullying and cyberbullying are illegal. If somebody is threatening you or sharing your personal details, contact the Police as soon as possible.