Micromanaging someone is inefficient with time, since there are two people doing the same task: one standing around telling the other exactly what to do, the other blindly following orders and not really learning or understanding , or needing to understand, the complexity of the task and how they should go about it in a way that makes sense to them.
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- Avoiding Micromanagement @ Mind Tools
Excerpt: It’s that time and energy, multiplied across a whole team of timid, cowed workers, that amounts to a serious and self-defeating drain on a manager’s time. It’s extremely difficult, if not impossible, to keep up with analysis, planning, communication with other teams, and the other “big-picture” tasks of managing, when you are sweating the details of the next sales presentation.
- Micromanaging @ Wikipedia
Excerpt: Micromanagement also frequently involves requests for unnecessary and overly detailed reports (“reportomania”). A micromanager tends to require constant and detailed performance feedback and tends to be excessively focused on procedural trivia (often in detail greater than he can actually process) rather than on overall performance, quality and results. This focus on “low-level” trivia often delays decisions, clouds overall goals and objectives, restricts the flow of information between employees, and guides the various aspects of a project in different and often opposed directions. Many micromanagers accept such inefficiencies because those micromanagers consider the outcome of a project less important than their retention of control or of the appearance of control.
Message supplied by: Rich @ Respect Yourself