If you were in the centre circle, where would you place the other people in your life around you?
Put the people you want closest to you in the circles around you, and the ones you want more distance from further out.
Where would you put the following people?
Types of relationship
- Mum
- Dad
- Brothers
- Sisters
- Aunts
- Uncles
- Cousins
- Grandmother
- Grandfather
- Neighbours
- Friends of the family
- New people
- Friends of friends
- Bullies
- People you’ve never met in person
- Best friends
- Distant friends
- True friends
- Peers
It’s your decision where you put these people. You will find that you will move people between circles as things change between you.
This is an everyday tool to be used with everyone in your life, and you can share it with those you think may need it.
Have you got the people in your life in the right circles?
Image by Alberto Barbati (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-2.5], via Wikimedia Commons