Read more about the article Fertility returns 3 weeks after giving birth
Condoms contraception image by Anqa

Fertility returns 3 weeks after giving birth

You can get pregnant even if you are breastfeeding your baby, and before your periods have restarted. If you are having sex and you don’t want to get pregnant you should start using contraception from three weeks after your baby is born, even if you are breastfeeding.


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Read more about the article Latex-free condoms
Playful couple image by juanerasmus85

Latex-free condoms

Some people are allergic to latex, the type of rubber that some condoms are made of. If you are allergic, your Pharmacist can help you choose non-latex ones.


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Read more about the article If both partners have HIV, you still need condoms
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If both partners have HIV, you still need condoms

If both partners have HIV, you should still use a condom. Evidence shows that there may be different strains of HIV. If you and your partner are both diagnosed with HIV it may not be the same strain, so condoms are important to prevent cross-infection and the passing of other sexually transmitted infections.


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Read more about the article Condoms come in many different sizes
Playful couple image by juanerasmus85

Condoms come in many different sizes

Condoms come in a range of sizes. If the condoms you’ve used were too small or big, look out for different sizes or ask your pharmacist or a doctor or nurse at a sexual health clinic for more information. If you’re not sure about the size, try one on alone before you have sex to see how it feels.


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Read more about the article What are the benefits of contraception?
Couple love image by AdinaVoicu

What are the benefits of contraception?

All contraceptive methods can stop you getting pregnant, but some have other benefits, too. Condoms can help prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs), while the IUS (hormone-based coil) can give you lighter periods, or even stop periods altogether.


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Read more about the article Will the Doctor tell my parents?
Monroe County Nurse Practitioner by WFIU Public Radio

Will the Doctor tell my parents?

If you’re 13 to 16 and want contraception, an abortion or tests for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), the doctor, nurse or pharmacist won’t tell your parents (or carer) as long as they believe that you fully understand the information you’re given, and your decisions.


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Read more about the article You don’t always notice symptoms if you have an STI
Playful couple image by juanerasmus85

You don’t always notice symptoms if you have an STI

You don’t always notice symptoms if you have an STI. Many people don’t notice symptoms and most people with chlamydia have no symptoms. You won’t always know if you’ve got an STI and you can’t tell by looking if someone has one. Protect yourself by always using a condom. If you’re worried, visit your GP or sexual health clinic.


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