Read more about the article Failure is opportunity
those are strong words for such a weak person by S Packwood

Failure is opportunity

Negative thinking often begins with the unrealistic expectations that the path should be clear for whatever you’re trying to accomplish. When things go wrong, this doesn’t need to reaffirm the idea that you’re no good at anything. Instead of dreading failure, look forward to it as an opportunity to learn.


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Read more about the article Hone your skills
Girl Guitar Musician Leisure Music Sound Song Concept by

Hone your skills

Take each challenge as a signal that you are working toward something worthwhile. Use setbacks as a chance to hone your skills rather than seeing them as a sign that you are no good. Decide to do this ahead of time – don’t waver no matter how you’re feeling.


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Read more about the article Allow yourself to think big
Waterfall rainbow image by Unsplash

Allow yourself to think big

Negative thinking allows us the “luxury” of not expecting too much from ourselves and others. If we always expect to be let down by others, we spare ourselves the pain of being let down. But, it keeps you from the joy that comes with personal growth.


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Read more about the article Choose to let go
Waterfall rainbow image by Unsplash

Choose to let go

Is a past hurt or painful memory fuelling your negative thinking? Choose to let go of that memory every time it comes to mind, and to forgive the person associated with it. Know that this takes time, and there will be days when you won’t feel like letting go. But when you do, you’ll begin to experience inner freedom.


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Read more about the article Give people the benefit of the doubt
Helping a friend by Rebecca Osborne

Give people the benefit of the doubt

You can free yourself from the mental trap of thinking negatively toward others by thinking “People are doing the best they can.” Choose to believe that they are not purposely trying to hurt you.


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Read more about the article Challenge extreme thinking
pain by jan jernmark

Challenge extreme thinking

Instead of thinking you’re in the worst-case scenario, reassess the situation. This will help diffuse your negative thinking and you may find something closer to reality.


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Read more about the article All-or-nothing thinking
Boy exasperated with facepalm image by mintchipdesigns

All-or-nothing thinking

We can fall into the trap of all-or-nothing thinking, engaging in faulty interpretations of the actions of others. If things don’t go exactly according to our expectations, we immediately turn to the worst-case scenario. This is usually a distortion of reality.


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Read more about the article Acknowledge your problem
Boy exasperated with facepalm image by mintchipdesigns

Acknowledge your problem

Acknowledge and own the problem of negative thinking patterns. Understand that only you can choose how you react to your circumstances. Only you can challenge your negative thinking and change your life. Reclaim your power to choose a different response.


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Read more about the article Avoid blaming others for how you feel
Anger ! by Craig Sunter

Avoid blaming others for how you feel

Avoid blaming circumstances or other people for how you feel. When we blame, we surrender our power and ability to change our thoughts and feelings. We put ourselves at the mercy and whims of our environment and other people.


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Read more about the article We can feel helpless
Violence against women, we can stop it! by European Parliament

We can feel helpless

When bad things happen to us, we can feel incredibly helpless. Sometimes the way we fight back against this feeling is by making negative thinking a default way of life. It satisfies our need for a sense of control over our lives and keeps us from being disappointed when disaster happens.


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