Minimise your time with toxic relationships
Take an inventory of which people in your life leave you feeling stressed and unhappy more often than not. If you don’t want to completely remove a toxic relationship, minimise the time you spend together.
Take an inventory of which people in your life leave you feeling stressed and unhappy more often than not. If you don’t want to completely remove a toxic relationship, minimise the time you spend together.
If revenge has been eating away at you for some time, forgiveness will help you to finally let go.
If you have gossiped about a friend and now regret it, let them know how much you regret your actions and promise not to repeat them. If they choose to forgive you, it may be a while before trust is fully re-established. If not, you may have to treat it as a learning experience and move on.
To help yourself break the gossiping habit, divide all people into two groups: friends and strangers. Friends are loved too much to gossip about; strangers are known too little.
If your friend learns that you have been gossiping about them, be strong and apologise. Avoid making excuses. Explain that you now realise that it is both wrong and hurtful and you have made a determined decision to stop the gossiping habit.
Promise yourself that you will not repeat any gossip you hear and that you will stop yourself immediately if you find yourself starting it up again.
Once you’ve identified your obstacles, figure out how you want to overcome them. What tasks and growth can you do to make sure you’ll reach your goals despite setbacks?
If you don’t have many external support factors in your life, you can still develop skills and attitudes and take actions that will help you become resilient against the stressors that you encounter. There are still things you can do to help yourself.
Help yourself to heal past hurts that might have lead to gossiping habits, by letting go of old wounds, forgiving the errors others have made toward you, and forgiving yourself for having given in to an age-old human vice.
If you’ve been using gossip about your friends to make yourself look better or to fit in more with others, ask yourself why you’d rather appear popular with strangers than feel loyal toward and contented with the friends who are a significant source of support, loyalty and trust in your life.