Read more about the article Sexual abuse is not your fault
Girl with teddy bear by Rebecca Osborne

Sexual abuse is not your fault

by Andrew Lord

Evidence has shown that sexual abuse is pervasive and widespread, and as a legal representative for many survivors my own caseload leads me to believe that we should assume sexual abuse takes place in every corner of our society. I write this blog as Respect Yourself has established a campaign for survivors of abuse, launching a new social media page @ry_ineedhelp, and am pleased that there will be more resources and support available for the many, many survivors out there.


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Read more about the article Gifts could be used to exploit you
Drinking wine in a nightclub image by Designatic

Gifts could be used to exploit you

If someone gives you gifts like ‘phone credit, alcohol, drugs or jewellery, this can make you feel good about them, but if they want sex in return they are trying to exploit you.


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Read more about the article How can I tell if someone is a groomer?
IMG_1693 copia by DAVID BURILLO

How can I tell if someone is a groomer?

An online groomer might keep messaging you through different ways, ask you to keep it a secret, ask you if you trust them, and ask who else uses your computer (to find out if they could get caught).


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Read more about the article How can online grooming start?
how painful it is by Sophia Louise

How can online grooming start?

Someone online might pretend to be like you and have the same interests or problems as you. They could just be doing this to get you to trust them, so later on they can get you to do what they want.


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