Read more about the article Experience relief by expressing emotions
Waterfall rainbow image by Unsplash

Experience relief by expressing emotions

We can get caught up in our secondary emotions around pain such as anger or anxiety, while blocking our most primary and important feelings, such as hurt or sadness. Sometimes you can experience relief when allowing your most primary and painful emotions to express themselves.


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Read more about the article In time the pain will subside
Don't give up image by geralt

In time the pain will subside

Understand that your addiction to negative thinking is based on the illusion that you can avoid pain by experiencing negativity on your own terms. You have what it takes to face the pain and negativity. As sure as day follows night, know that in time the pain will subside.


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Read more about the article Diffuse your pain
Mindful Mallorca Labyrinth Walk, Es Trenc by DoSchu

Diffuse your pain

Our power comes from realising we don’t need to act on pain; and if we need to diffuse it, we can channel it into something healthy and productive, like writing, painting, or doing something physical.


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