Short useful messages from Respect Yourself, the guidance site for young people to help make good decisions in life.

Short term buzz versus long-term gain

Wasting time can be addictive; the more you do it, the more excuses you find to keep doing it. Being able to resist short-term pleasure creates time for you to work towards long-term goals.


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You are the sum total of your life experiences

You are the sum total of your life experiences so far – so you don’t need to relive negative past experiences or carry them around with you any more. Take the lesson from each one, and learn to release it from your thoughts.


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Practising improves performance

Practising something over and over improves your skill at it in both your body and your mind. It can be applied to anything – playing music, an important speech, sports technique, creative writing, cooking, Geography homework or anything for an exam.


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Take your sat nav out of the window

Take your sat nav with you out of the car and take the mount off the windscreen. Thieves also look for the suction mark on the windscreen where they attach, so ensure you clean it.


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Learn from people who are good at it

Everyone knows people who seem to be naturally good at everything. Instead of being jealous or envious of them, learn from them. Ask if they can help you learn to do something the way they would do it, and practice until you accomplish it.


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