Report a crime or anti-social behaviour by calling the police, or Crimestoppers (0800 555 111) if you want to remain anonymous – they will pass the info on to the police.
Source: Report a crime or anti-social behaviour @ GOV.UK
Further help
For help contact:
- Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Read more
- How we help @ Crimestopers
Excerpt: We are an independent charity helping to find criminals and help solve crimes. We run the anonymous 0800 555 111 phone number that you can call to pass on information about crime. Alternatively people can pass us information anonymously via this website, using our Giving Information Form. Callers don’t have to give their name or any personal information and calls cannot be traced. This means you won’t need to appear in court or give a statement to the police.
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