Read more about the article Get help to report bullying
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Get help to report bullying

If you are suffering from bullying and are uncomfortable asking for help, you can try asking a friend to come with you when you approach an adult. You might also want to write a note or an e-mail to a teacher or school counsellor about the issue.


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Read more about the article Do you want to be a bully or a hero?
Bully by Sergejs Babikovs

Do you want to be a bully or a hero?

by mental health campaigner and Respect Yourself ambassador Kiana James.

It’s amazing how many people have the same name as us, but would you like the name “bully”? A bully is not a nice name, but so many people are called bullies because they are bullies. Never do anything to get the name bully because it’s wrong and it is not something to be proud of. So many people are sad, afraid and feeling alone because of being bullied, and lots of people all over the world are being bullied – not just children but adults too, and they need to be saved.


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Read more about the article If images are being used against you, report it
Police car image by exeterdaily0

If images are being used against you, report it

If you are under 18 and your ex boyfriend or girlfriend sends a naked picture of you on to somebody else, they are breaking the law. If images are being used against you, you can fill out a report form on the CEOP website.


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Read more about the article Report adults who ask for sexual activity
Pro Juventute Aufklärungskampagne ‚Sexting’ Themenbild_10 by Pro Juventute

Report adults who ask for sexual activity

If an adult has been making you feel uncomfortable by asking you to send them images of yourself, you can report them on the CEOP website. It is wrong for anyone to be pressuring you in this way. If you are under 18, they are breaking the law.


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