Read more about the article Write your tasks down
Making a list and checking it twice by Kyle Steed

Write your tasks down

The “Getting Things Done” method tells us to write all our tasks down – so you can use your mental space to take action on the tasks rather than try to remember them.


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Read more about the article Organise and prioritise your tasks
Making a list and checking it twice by Kyle Steed

Organise and prioritise your tasks

Organise your tasks in order of priority and the amount of time required to accomplish them: things that can be done quickly should be done sooner; aim for most important and fastest to do, combined.


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Read more about the article Define your tasks clearly
Making a list and checking it twice by Kyle Steed

Define your tasks clearly

Don’t let your big projects overwhelm you: break them out into bite-sized pieces, where you define each smaller task clearly enough for you to start on.


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Read more about the article The Pomodoro Technique: time management
Schedule by AlisaRyan

The Pomodoro Technique: time management

The Pomodoro Technique: you work/study in 25-minute bursts alternating with 5 minutes of break time. Each of these work sessions is called a “pomodoro”, Italian for tomato (the shape of the 25-minute Pomodoro timers.) After every 4 pomodoros, you get a longer 15 minute break to decompress, check Facebook, step outside for a bit, grab a snack, or anything else you can fit into 15 minutes.


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Battle the urge to procrastinate

How can you battle the urge to put things off? Start with trying to recognise that a little voice lives inside every one of us. It tells us it would be more fun to play a game or watch TV when we know better. Don’t fall for it!


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