Plan to complete a task before the deadline

Completing homework or a job before the deadline ensures you won’t rush it; it gives you more time to think about it and you can put more effort into it – which means a better result at the end of it.


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Read more about the article Plan ahead when holidays are coming
Travel by Moyan Brenn

Plan ahead when holidays are coming

When you know the holidays are coming, plan ahead with your friends, so you can make the most of the time off. Plan for sunny days and rainy days. If your friends are away, try and take up a new hobby or circulate with another group of friends; and take some time out for yourself.


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How to prepare a schedule

Scheduling is best done on a regular basis, for example at the start of every week or month. Go through the following steps in preparing your schedule:


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How do I improve my ability to estimate how long a task will take?

To improve your ability to estimate length of time for tasks, make a to-do list of upcoming tasks to complete, and jot down an off-the-cuff estimate for how long you expect each task to take. As you complete each task, record the time you actually spend on each one.


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Micromanaging people creates time inefficiency

Micromanaging someone is inefficient with time, since there are two people doing the same task: one standing around telling the other exactly what to do, the other blindly following orders and not really learning or understanding , or needing to understand, the complexity of the task and how they should go about it in a way that makes sense to them.


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Read more about the article Differentiate between urgent and important tasks
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Differentiate between urgent and important tasks

Differentiate between urgent and important tasks: an urgent task may not necessarily be important. Urgent means it needs doing right away often for someone else, important means it furthers your own goals.


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