Short messages on Mental health, stress and anxiety issues from Respect Yourself, the guidance site for young people to help make good decisions in life.

What is Self Harm?

Self-harm is when somebody intentionally damages or injures their body. It is a way of expressing deep emotional feelings such as low self-esteem, or a way of coping with traumatic events, such as the death of a loved one.


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You can put right a bad day

If something bad happens or you have an argument early in the day, don’t write the whole day off as a ‘bad’ day and expect that whatever else can go wrong, will. Situations later are often unrelated; treat each situation individually and find the good in each one.


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How can I forgive someone or myself?

Forgiveness is letting go of the pain and accepting what has happened, because it will not change. Forgiveness is dismissing the blame. Choices were made that caused the hurt; we each could have chosen differently, but we didn’t. Forgiveness is looking at the pain, learning the lessons it has produced, and understanding what we have learned.


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Tips for caring for someone with an eating disorder

When caring for someone with an eating disorder, remember the top tips: learn the facts (the more you know, the more you can help), break the silence (give them that vital opportunity to open up), early intervention is best (get them specialist help as soon as possible), take care of yourself (you need your own support) and recovery is always possible (you can help them beat their eating disorder).


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