Short messages on Addiction from Respect Yourself, the guidance site for young people to help make good decisions in life.
Girls talking image by Pezibear
Be yourself – whoever you are, however you feel, whatever life has thrown at you. If things are tough, talk about it. Samaritans can be reached on 08457 90 90 90 or .
Helping a friend by Rebecca Osborne
Finding it hard to talk about how you are really feeling? Samaritans is a safe place to turn; it’s anonymous and confidential: 08457 90 90 90 or .
Signpost by allen watkin
Sometimes the best support you can give someone is to refer them on to someone who can help them better than you.
Helping a friend by Rebecca Osborne
If something is troubling you, Samaritans are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. All chats are completely confidential. You can reach them on 08457 90 90 90 or .
Drug overdose on pills image by HASTYWORDS
“Don’t do drugs, not because they are illegal – but because they will destroy part of you” – Sarah Jane Honeywell
Cigarette smoke by Challiyil Eswaramangalath Vipin
Stoptober is an NHS campaign to give free support to people quitting smoking. Stop smoking for 28 days and you’re five times more likely to stay smokefree for good.
Pound coins and money notes image by stux
Instead of giving your money or your time away gambling, spend them both with your friends and family. You’ll get a much better return.
Frequent use of cannabis may affect fertility. It can cut a man’s sperm count and can suppress ovulation in women. If you’re pregnant, smoking cannabis may increase the risk of your baby being born smaller than expected.
Cannabis can cause feelings of anxiety, suspicion, panic and paranoia. Regular cannabis use is known to be associated with an increase in the risk of later developing psychotic illnesses including schizophrenia.
Teenagers who regularly smoke cannabis risk permanently damaging their intelligence, attention span and memory. Stopping or reducing cannabis use fails to fully restore the lost IQ.