Read more about the article Indulgence vs Isolation: Your Mental Health this Easter
Little desktop nest image by Pamjpat

Indulgence vs Isolation: Your Mental Health this Easter

by Hannah Brown

Happy Easter, Happy Holidays or simply Happy Weekend! School is out, the half term is here and for most people the Bank Holidays provides a very welcome break from the daily grind. You wouldn’t think it, or perhaps you do, but holidays and festive periods can cause discomfort and anguish for some people.


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Read more about the article If things are tough, talk about it
Girls talking image by Pezibear

If things are tough, talk about it

Be yourself – whoever you are, however you feel, whatever life has thrown at you. If things are tough, talk about it. Samaritans can be reached on 08457 90 90 90 or .


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Read more about the article Samaritans is confidential and anonymous
Helping a friend by Rebecca Osborne

Samaritans is confidential and anonymous

Finding it hard to talk about how you are really feeling? Samaritans is a safe place to turn; it’s anonymous and confidential: 08457 90 90 90 or .


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Read more about the article Samaritans are available 24×7
Helping a friend by Rebecca Osborne

Samaritans are available 24×7

If something is troubling you, Samaritans are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. All chats are completely confidential. You can reach them on 08457 90 90 90 or .


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Read more about the article What are common long-term effects of domestic abuse?
how painful it is by Sophia Louise

What are common long-term effects of domestic abuse?

Each child/young person may respond differently to experiencing or witnessing domestic abuse, some common long-term effects are: anxiety, depression, withdrawal, nightmares, bed wetting, low self esteem, aggressive behaviour, eating disorders, underachieving at school.


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Read more about the article What are the signs of anorexia?
Anorexia by Santiago Alvarez

What are the signs of anorexia?

Signs of anorexia include: fear of gaining weight, unrealistic ideas about body shape or weight; denial of a problem; an ‘inner voice’ that challenges views on eating and exercise; strange or obsessive behaviour around eating; mood swings, depression, secrecy; restlessness or hyperactivity; wearing baggy clothes; vomiting, taking laxatives, exercising excessively.


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