Read more about the article Crucial tips for your happiness
Dr Pam Spurr holding Eva The Bear book

Crucial tips for your happiness

by Dr Pam Spurr

Psychologist and children’s author Dr Pam Spurr shares crucial tips for your happiness with Respect Yourself!

Her new book Eva the Bear and the Magic Snowflake is available now.


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Read more about the article If things are tough, talk about it
Girls talking image by Pezibear

If things are tough, talk about it

Be yourself – whoever you are, however you feel, whatever life has thrown at you. If things are tough, talk about it. Samaritans can be reached on 08457 90 90 90 or .


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Read more about the article Samaritans is confidential and anonymous
Helping a friend by Rebecca Osborne

Samaritans is confidential and anonymous

Finding it hard to talk about how you are really feeling? Samaritans is a safe place to turn; it’s anonymous and confidential: 08457 90 90 90 or .


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Read more about the article Samaritans are available 24×7
Helping a friend by Rebecca Osborne

Samaritans are available 24×7

If something is troubling you, Samaritans are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. All chats are completely confidential. You can reach them on 08457 90 90 90 or .


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Read more about the article Our happiness depends on us
Mirror mirror by Guillermo Alonso

Our happiness depends on us

Randy Stiver once noted that “happiness must be pursued by personally choosing the right thoughts, right words and right actions at the right time.” In short, our happiness depends on us.


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Read more about the article What does it mean to be happy within myself?
Excited! You Bet! by Steven Mileham

What does it mean to be happy within myself?

Being happy within ourselves simply means showing mercy to ourselves, forgiving ourselves, befriending ourselves, accepting ourselves, and loving ourselves. It’s a lifelong journey that requires regular self-examination and an ongoing process of making peace with ourselves.


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Read more about the article Make a concious choice to be happy
Mirror mirror by Guillermo Alonso

Make a concious choice to be happy

Have you ever found yourself standing in front of the mirror and yelling at yourself or hating yourself? Do you understand what it feels like to be completely disgusted with yourself and longing for a change? We often spend time upset about something, allowing our environment and circumstances to dictate whether or not we are going to be happy. The truth is that we can live our lives with happiness and decide that we are going to do whatever it takes to be happy. You can be happy if you have the mind to.


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